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Gold Countable Or Uncountable

Gold: Countable or Uncountable?

Uncountable Gold

In the case of gold, there is a much more prominent use of the plural "golds" when it refers to gold medals. For example, "We won 2 golds and 7 silvers" is a common expression in the context of sports competitions. This usage is correct because "gold" in this sense is uncountable, referring to the collective achievement of winning gold medals.

Countable Gold

However, there are also countable uses of "gold." For example, when referring to gold jewelry or other objects made of gold, it is appropriate to use the singular or plural form depending on the number of items. For instance, "His wife was dripping with gold" or "That is made of gold" are grammatically correct sentences.

In summary, the correct usage of "gold" as countable or uncountable depends on the context. When referring to gold medals or collective achievements, it is uncountable and takes the plural form "golds." When referring to specific gold objects or quantities, it is countable and can be used in either the singular or plural form.
