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New York Times Newspaper Stand

**WEB: Today's Linked Words Puzzle** Today's WEB puzzle is all about the world of news and journalism. See if you can use every letter on the board to find the hidden theme and all the linked words. **WEB** * Newsstands * New York * Times * Journalists **Hidden Theme:** The Media **How to Play:** 1. Use every letter on the board to create words. 2. The words must be linked together in some way. 3. The hidden theme is the overarching concept that connects all the words. **Tips:** * Start with the most common letters. * Look for prefixes and suffixes. * Don't be afraid to think outside the box. **Bonus Round:** Once you've found all the linked words, see if you can create a sentence using all of them. **Share Your Results:** Let us know how you did by commenting below or sharing your results on social media.
